Of temples and taxes
And heirs of the Kingdom
Comes a story exquisite
Full of glory and wisdom
No son of a king
Pays admission to his home
And no visitor enters
Without a tax for the throne
Yet as Jesus and disciples
Are met at the entry
A drachma is demanded
But they had no money
So dispatched to the sea
Is Peter told to obey
Off he goes for the
Fishy catch of the day
A miracle! A coin!
Caught in the fish mouth
God baiting temple Jews!
With drama and froth
So Jesus pays
His own way in
Just as he pays
For all our sin
A small fishy tale
Never! Think not!
A much bigger picture
Has transpired in this plot
Our Heavenly home
Has no entry fee
Just accept you are an heir
And act accordingly.
Matthew 17:24-27
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