2020 vision, a normal visual acuity.

We all strive for the ability

To clearly see all that’s before and behind -

With hearing, tasting, touch and smell to help us, to remind.


We have not yet entered The Era of The Tribulations

But those who can see have been forewarned with these tabulations:

Uncontrollable fires, a pandemic, named storms, and Peace in the Middle East

Signs portrayed on a global scale, and these are not even the least!


Our Almighty Father showed John the Elder His plans*

When the Book with Seven Seals is passed to Christ’s worthy hands

Revealing the pomp and circumstance of His Son’s Heavenly Coronation -

To be unsealed and judgments meted with His consummation.


2020 is no joke –Satan’s urgency is being met.

So heed The Bible! –the stage is being set!

The world may soon see the counterfeit savior.

Pray for the masses who cannot see Satan’s behavior.

LMKazmierczak © 2020

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary,but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18

*Revelation Chapter 5