I blame my older brother

Whose words were left in my ear.

Just a couple swear and curse words

I would shock my high school friends, my peers.


We all laughed and giggled

Putting out phrases that would be shunned

By parents, teachers, prudes - we figured

Our social clique would not be out done.


It was with a heavy burden though

‘Cause I felt terrible what I had unleashed -

For what I thought was a one-time show

My friends continued, out of my reach.


Contemplating how to undo it

I went hunting for spring fungi -

Tromping though the woods a bit

I found that the special spot was dry.


So I sat on the rotting log;

Asked forgiveness and wisdom

As I gave Christ my monologue,

 Not realizing the lifelong outcome.

As I stood up, feeling His kindness -

I found I was surrounded by those morels!

I had not seen them in my spiritual blindness

Now I had the side dish for the dinner bell!


In the ensuing weeks, I changed my friendship clique

Found a new group of friends and grew in my new faith

My old clique also came to Christ as they began to seek -

And my world has mushroomed – the morel of my state.


LMKazmierczak All Rights Reserved 2024