Those With Ears To Hear, Let Them Hear


You have heard the story of the feeding of the five thousand

Since three Gospels cover the event.

You have heard about the bread, fishes, the nearby townland -

How Jesus commissioned that his Disciples implement

Serving the bread (The Word) to the crowd (the nations)

While He gave out the 2 fishes (Spiritual gifts & earthly talents)

Yes – review for yourselves how the parallels played out.

This story goes on to reveal God’s plans, that reveals what’s to come about!


The crowds had come from nearby Tiberius (a Worldly disposition).

While the group of Disciples would soon head back

To Capernaum, Christ’s favored place to rest, in His earthly position.

Which was, notably, across the Sea of Galilee, a 7-mile trek.

Once the crowds ate and dispersed, Christ sent his group ahead

While He sought out a mountain top to pray and oversee (He Ascended!).

The Disciples sailed the sea, which half-way through became turbulent!

As if the 3-and-a-half-milepoint (1st half of the Tribulation) was significant!


And here comes a rapturous Jesus, walking on water, as if to pass by.

The anxious, scared, overly tired, huddled group called out.

Jesus gave this reply– Take courage! It is I!”

With rough waters still about, Peter actually gets out of their boat!

He cries out “Lord save me!” as he begins to sink.

Jesus, grabs his hand, enters the boat and says, “Why did you doubt?”

Now read John 6:21 with great intent and think!

“At once they reached the shore where they were heading!”

A picture of the Church Age if you endeavor to understand this reading.


But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear. For truly, I say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it. Matthew 13:16 &17

Based on a sermon given by Pastor Lou Gandolfo


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